
Country République du Sénégal
Capital City Dakar, the most western city of Africa
Languages Official Language: French. African Languages: Wolof, Balanta-Ganja, Sodinke, Fulup, Pular, Madinka
Area 196.722 km²
Currency Franc CFA (Communanté Financiére Africaine),
1 Euro = 656 CFA-Franc
Population about 11 million inhabitants


Senegal is dominated by a tropical climate. There are two seasons: the dry season (November - Mai) and the rainy season (June - October). The average temperature lies between 23º C in January and 28º C. The water temperature lies between 20 and 24º C. Most rain can be found in the region of Casamance and in Southeast of the country due to the proximity to the equator.


Condor offers between November and April direct flights from Frankfurt/Main to Dakar. Most other airlines have a stopover on their way to Dakar.

The average flight times are:

  • Frankfurt - Dakar: 5 hrs.
  • Zurich - Dakar: 5 hrs. 10 min.
  • Vienna - Dakar: 5 hrs. 45 min.
  • Paris - Dakar: 6 hrs.
  • London - Dakar: 6 hrs. 15 min.
  • Johannesburg - Dakar: 8 hrs. 15 min.
  • New York - Dakar: 8 hrs. 25 min.

Ship travel is regularly available from France, Spain, the Canary Islands and Morocco. The main port is situated in Dakar.